Lucky Irish Tea and Festival

How to Make Irish Tea

March is here and soon everyone will be Irish. Your tea can be Irish too! Ironically, Irish tea is not the familiar lucky green color. However, it is yummy all the same. Irish Breakfast tea is a black tea, fuller in flavor than the English Breakfast tea. The Irish drink about 4-6 cups of tea or “tey” a day, mostly to stay warm. They love a little tea with their cream! To make Irish tea steep a cup of Irish Sunrise for 3-5 minutes.  Add 1/3 cup of cream to your cup, followed by 2/3 cup of tea, stir in sugar as desired. Finally serve this delicious tea with scones! In this Facebook Live Video I show how simple it is to make Irish Tea.

Up Coming Classes and Markets

Wentzville Irish and St. Pats Day Festival March Saturday – Sunday 11th-12th. This event will be a lot of fun! Starts off with a 5K and ends with a two day festival. We will be there both days for the festival with our full line of tea blends and hot drinks! Teach Me Tea Class March 14th 6:30-8:30 This has been a popular class! Lots of  information about tea. We serve tea and treats from vintage tea ware. It’s a great girls night out or an affordable date! Tea Tasting March 18th 11-2 Will be our last Elderberry Tea Tasting for a while, it is free to stop by and sample. See what is new and stock up on your favorite tea and gifts. Mother Daughter Tea March 25th 3-5p A time of bonding for mothers and daughters of any age. Share a High Tea and activities to make memories. Each person leaves with a trinket box of goodies. This event is great for Mothers/ Daughters, Grandmothers/Granddaughters, and Aunt/Nieces!

mother daughter tea

Coupon Code

Order online and choose shipping or free pick up. This weeks coupon code is LUCKYME $3 off your $29 purchase!

michelle Pohl blooming with joy