Tea and Herbs

We can’t provide you with medical advice, dosage information, potential drug/herb reactions, or assistance with questions relating to injury, illness, etc. We are not licensed practitioners, pharmacists, or researchers. We are legally restricted from answering your health related questions. Information on this website has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The information provided by Blooming With Joy is not presented with the intention of diagnosing any disease or condition or prescribing any treatment. It is offered as information only, for use in the maintenance and promotion of good health in cooperation with a licensed medical practitioner. Just because a small amount of an herb works well does NOT mean that more is better. As individuals we all have different constitutions, sensitivities, allergic reactions and possible health conditions. BWJ is not responsible for any misuse of these plant materials. The U.S. FDA does not evaluate or test herbs. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease. Consult with your physician for diagnosis or treatment. We thank you for understanding.

Disclosure Policy

Blooming With Joy is a website owned and edited by me, Michelle, the self-proclaimed Queen of typos. I do allow guest posts, but all guest posts will remain in line with the views of this site and will be clearly marked as such. Comments left by others may or may not reflect the views of this site. For questions about this site, please contact us through the contact form or email michelle{at}BloomingWithJoy{dot}com. As the owner of this site, I do accept forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation to provide my personal opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. I am also an affiliate of several brands. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made on this site. However, even though I accept compensation for posts, advertisements and links, the views and opinions on this site are purely my own and always will be, regardless of payment or sponsorship. I will only endorse products and services that I personally support and recommend. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. This site abides by word of mouth marketing standards. Whenever I publish paid or sponsored content or links, they will be identified as such. If they are not, it is an oversight on my part, and I will remedy the situation as soon as I become aware of it. This site does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. Please feel free to contact me with any questions about this site or this policy.

Affiliate Links

This site does contain affiliate links, as such should be familiar with the image above. hen you make a purchase using an affiliate link, the site owner may receive a small percentage of the sale at no additional cost to you. This very common practice helps compensate website owners for the time, effort and expense of maintaining a website so that they can afford to run their site and keep their content free for all. Thank you!

Copyright Information

Written Content

All written content on this site is written and owned by me, unless stated otherwise. If there is any content on this site which is not correctly attributed to a different source, it is an oversight on my part and will be correctly immediately as soon as I become aware of it. Copying any of this content is illegal without express written permission from me. You may quote a small excerpt as long as you include a conspicuous link back to the original source. You may not copy content in a way that takes my words out of context and distorts the meaning of the words. You may share content via social media with a conspicuous link back to the original source. All other copying, saving, printing and/or distributing is prohibited without first obtaining written permission from me.


All pictures on this blog were either taken by me or downloaded from online images databases with permission. You may use images from my website ONLY to share my posts via social media, and you must always include a conspicuous link back to the original source. You may not copy, save, edit, distribute, print or attempt to sell any images or pictures from this site for any reason without first receiving written permission from me.


If I share a video from the web, it will link back to the original source. If I share a personal video, you may not copy, save, share or in any way distribute or keep the video for yourself, except for the purpose of sharing on social media with a link back to the original source. *I am not responsible for the republishing of content found on this site on other Web sites or media without my permission.

Privacy Policy

I am very respectful of your privacy and will always act ethically. I do not share personal information with third-parties nor do I store any information that might be collected about your visit for use other than to analyze site performance. All site visitors bear the responsibility of realizing that this is the Internet. Everyone who posts anywhere on the Internet should post with the assumption that all content can be seen by anyone at any time and also that any content published on the Internet never truly goes away.

Comment Policy

All opinions are welcome here, as long as they are respectful. Comments that are mean, hateful, malicious or spammy will be deleted as soon as I see them and without notice. All comments left on this site, any Blooming With Joy social media accounts or emailed to michelle{at}bloomingwithjoy{dot}com become property of this site. **All of the above information is subject to change at any time and without notice. Last updated: January 14, 2023

1 thoughts on “Disclosures

  1. Pingback: Green Tea Benefits Are Lucky for You to Drink!

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