Stay Well Tea | Hannibal This Weekend

wellness tea sampler

Hey Joyfuls!

It is officially sweater weather! Which also means flu season is coming on. I’ve got some yummy tea to help you stay healthy and recover. My Wellness Tea is a fruity tea. It’s delicious and relaxing. Personally, I enjoy this blend right before bed paired with a square of dark chocolate. So cozy. Everything in this blend boosts your immune system including Elderberries. You can purchase this blend in any of our 3 sizes. Additionally, it is included in the Wellness Tea Sampler.

The Wellness Tea Sampler comes with the Wellness Tea. Singers Blend, that soothes a sore throat. And Migraine Relief, which aids sleep and relaxes aches and pains.

Wellness Tea Sampler

The Wellness Tea Sampler ships to your door for only 24.95 and Free Shipping. You will be happy this tea is stocked in your home and ready to go.

wellness tea sampler

Hanibal Folklife

This weekend, October 19-20th, I will be in Hannibal Mo for the Folklife Festival. My booth is on Center St. #14. Will I see you there? If you need to pick something up a big bag email quickly so I know to pack for you.